Carl Lever


Welcome to my home page.

This is the place to find art and important information about me Carl Lever.

Over the years, I've become very versatile as an artist. When I was a student in high school, I sold my paintings in art galleries. After high school, I've sold airbrush apparel locally and at surrounding flea markets. During my late 20's I decided to study in the field of Multimedia Design and Development at DeVry University. Now I want to offer my training, my skills, and my creative talent to bring your ideas to life.

Interview at my first event in Oklahoma.


The movie “Big” with Tom Hanks was a "big" influence for me. All of my art teachers had an important impact on my “art life,” more so Miss Glisson. Alex Ross, Norman Rockwell, Garth Ennis, Steve Dillion, Glenn Fabry, Todd McFarlane, Ralph Bakshi, Frank Frazetta, J.R.R. Tolkien, Tim Burton, the list could go on about what artists influence me to create. I’ve sold airbrushed apparel in Roxboro, North Carolina and at the Buckhorn, North Carolina flea market. Most recently I spent most of my time working digitally. Selling my first painting in high school motivated me to hang-around the local art galleries. There I learned how to frame, sell and display artwork. My family and friends motivated me to find some kind of way to keep doing art, so I picked up airbrushing as a medium. After a few months I airbrushed for people in my community as much as I could. I painted signs for stores, volunteered during events painting faces, helped art galleries with different things and assisted on art projects for other people. This made a local name for me but I always strived to do more with my craft. The ideology behind my art process has made a profound imprint in my life. I started with a vision from the movie “Big” with Tom Hanks and now I do what I want. Entertaining my viewers is what makes me feel whole. Impressing the spirit of the viewer is an aim, which is why I love magical realism. Accomplishing memorable storylines, with a few concept characters I’ve created is my plan for the future.

Traditional Art

Traditional drawings, and paintings.

Custom Art

Custom paintings on wood.